Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Version 0.3 Posted

With some suggestions from my coworkers and friends, I added the following sites to the PassiveRecon Firefox extension:
  • DNSReport.com - Requires a membership if you use this more than once.
  • Robtex.com - I added both the root domain (abc.com) and the www 'A' record (www.abc.com) as they provide different information.
The extension has gotten little traction on Mozilla's internal development site (sandbox), so if you have the ability to review the extension and suggest it for 'public' release, I would greatly appreciate it!

You can download the latest version of the PassiveRecon Firefox extension here:


Mestizo said...

Fantastic little tool. Loving it so far. Good work!

I would also like to see a quick way to check SSL certificate data and supported ciphers if available.

I don't think your tool can make the POST request to http://serversniff.net/sslcheck.php

But you can link to:


Where domain equals the name of the site you are on. This will at least open the page with the fields already populated. You will just need to click SSL-Check.

Unknown said...

Great tool, any chance of including Firefox 3 support?

Cheers for your efforts to date.
